This work is about Amanda Todd, a 15-year-old Canadian teenager whose suicide was attributed to cyber-bullying through the social networking website Facebook. On September 7, 2012, Todd posted a video on YouTube entitled My Story: Struggling, Bullying, suicide and self harm, in which she used a series of flash cards to tell of her experience of being blackmailed, bullied, and physically assaulted.
I combined her words with found material from YouTube.
private rooms was shown and reviewed by F-STOP Photography-Festival (2010):
„Which effects does the self-evident fact of supervision have for the supervised? What is private sphere called in a time in which a data protection scandal follows the next and becomes the spreading and marketing of personal data the leisure activity for one and the annoyance for the others? And what does it mean if not more only holiday snaps are made massively accessible with Facebook, but also sexual predilections on Internet platforms are presented?
In his photographs Fred Hüning puts these questions in urgent manner: A blurred look at the feet of a loving pair or a woman on a sofa whose naked shoulders are massaged by the hands of an other person, besides a black plush cat who seems to stare in the camera. For his works Hüning has selected some video clips from the internet, has photographed scenes of the monitor and afterwards digitally reworked. Moreover, he adds the temporal signature and gives the number of the calls of the respective video. Maybe strikes only in connection with other pictures of the series that the focus of the photographer lies less on what the people in the pictures do, as on the private living rooms in which they are.“
Based on countless video clips found on YOUPORN.
Walter Momper, the lord mayor of West Berlin, said after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989: “At the moment, we Germans are the happiest people on earth.”
1992 violent xenophobic riots took place in the Lichtenhagen district of Rostock. These were the worst mob attacks against migrants in Postwar Germany.
The Solingen Arson Attack of 1993 was one of the most severe instances of anti-foreigner violence in re-united Germany. Three girls and two women died.
Based on different video clips found on the internet.
New York City weather report for september 11th, 2001 says:
Sunny, clear sky.
This work is based on a video-clip called „WTC Attak September 11, 2001 from New York Police Helicopter“, found on YOUTUBE.
Where has all our money gone, long time passing?
Where has all my money gone, long time ago?
Where has all our money gone? Bad banks picked it, all of it.
When will they ever learn? Oh, when will they ever learn?
This work based on a video-tape found in a garbage container in front of a branch of german „Deutsche Bank“.